Carley Cain Carley Cain

One Hundred Percent

I can’t do anything else… if I am not 100% at home.

Coaches: You can be winning in every season: But if your HOME is not 100%…. that is a loss.

Something I wanted to do this year in 2024 was to step out of my comfort zone. Honestly, I have done a horrible job of that. I like comfort. I like safe. I thrive in the “normal flow” of life. So this morning I made a reel of me working out/ lifting weights and I said a prayer, took a deep breath, and hit post.

It was way out of my comfort zone. But, 2024.

And in a few hours I have received many messages and comments that I wasn’t really expecting.

What type of shorts are you wearing?

What are your current macros set at?

How long have you been lifting?

One that was the most frequently: How do you get up and workout in the morning? Aren’t you exhausted?

See, that was the point of the post. I am NOT a morning person. YES, I am absolutely exhausted from time to time. However, if I am going to work out at all, it has to be done in the morning. I can’t rearrange everyone’s schedule for me to go to the gym. So, 5am it is. I need my home to be in order, and my workout to not disturb that. So, 5am.

Which brings me to this: I can’t do anything else… if I am not 100% at home.


I can’t be a good teacher that is prepared, thriving, and giving my all if my HOME is not 100%.

I can’t be a good small business owner, bringing content, keeping things in order, delivering a product, giving my all if my HOME is not 100%.

I can’t be a good friend, listening, loving, being someone that is fulfilling and not draining to be around, and giving my all if my HOME is not 100%.

I can’t be Carley…. giving my all to anything if my HOME is not 100%.

Coaches: You can be winning in every season: But if your HOME is not 100%…. that is a loss.

What’s 100% in our home?

Order. Structure. Calmness. Peace. Meals cooked. Dinner conversations. Family church services. Communication. Spending time together.

Several times recently I found myself losing my peace. I felt…. in a funk. I knew something was off. I was constantly playing referee between Cain children. I was snapping at Coach. I was falling behind in some assignments needing attention for a class. I had NO motivation to approach things. I had no motivation to create meals. This little corner of the field was neglected. I was meh. Things that usually bring me joy and help me feel my purpose, I found myself lacking interest.

I was exhausted. I was doing everything…. at about 20%, Home was not 100% Everything was lacking.

I can eat as healthy as possible. I can read all of the books. I can stay late on a Thursday and have every lesson planned and ready. I can have gems ready and content planned for days. I can be in every endorsement and extra school activity that is offered…. and look like life is THRIVING on the outside…. but if my home is not 100%…. then I am surviving.

So if you find yourself under a cloud and just not functioning at 100%, check your home.

My daily prayer is that our home is at 100 percent.

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Carley Cain Carley Cain

My Pool Bag

Summer is here. The daily 90* and higher temps are here. The Cain Crew…. lives in the pool/ waterpark/ ocean. I wanted a place to hold all of our pool bag favorites, so I made a list. I also noticed that lots of our favorite items are on major sale at the time of posting this.

Summer is here. The daily 90* and higher temps are here. The Cain Crew…. lives in the pool/ waterpark/ ocean. I wanted a place to hold all of our pool bag favorites, so I made a list. I also noticed that lots of our favorite items are on major sale at the time of posting this.

(Just a reminder: I am paid a commission for sharing each link. These pennies are used in my classroom, to pay for this corner of the field, and allows me to share recipes and random thoughts. I thank you for the support.)

Calla wants you to know THESE are the best goggles made. 66% off currently.

My absolute favorite MOM swim top. LOVE LOVE LOVE the coverage. It is super comfortable.

Every kid loves these. I purchased two packs this year because last year they sold out.

We love these. I bought 4 because we always bring a friend.

This is what I use for the kids. I swear it is the best. NOT the spray. I love the lotion the most.

Add this for their faces.

This is what I wear on my face. In 2023 I spent some major time and pennies on my skincare. I LOVE this. It doesn’t make me breakout.

I try to never leave the house without a hat. Again, major work on my skincare in 2023.

Coach Cain wants everyone to know THIS is the best chair.

Calla has lived in these all summer. She says they are comfortable and wants another pair. She loves the pink.

I have been wearing these daily.

This. Spending the morning at the waterpark and the evening at the pool has us using towels and more towels. So I ordered this today to help dry our suits and towels.

Hours of beach time was spent with this toy set. It is small enough to throw in your bag and both Cain babies loved it.

Again, the Real Life Coach’s Wife Life Promise is to always share REAL LIFE items that I own, use, and love. The only item I have not put to use is the towel tree, but when it arrives Monday I am SO excited to use it.

I hope your pool season is full of wins!

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Carley Cain Carley Cain

What Are We Doing Today?

This morning it was 8:30am on a Saturday morning when Calla and Cart had gone through all of the daily tasks like breakfast, morning tv show, morning snack, playdoh, and were asking for a second snack… when Calla said: “Mama, what are we doing today that is fun. I’m ready to go.” I found my brain instantly thinking, “Oh, what are we doing fun today? I should load them up and take them to the park, but it is about to storm. We could go to Peachy Playtown…. but I really need to clean up the house and go to the grocery store.” I felt the guilt wave over me because it was about to rain, I didn’t really want to get dressed in real clothes. I had a list of house things that needed to be done. I just needed a day at home for my sanity on all other days that we are full speed.

This morning it was 8:30am on a Saturday morning when Calla and Cart had gone through all of the daily tasks like breakfast, morning tv show, morning snack, playdoh, and were asking for a second snack… when Calla said: “Mama, what are we doing today that is fun. I’m ready to go.” I found my brain instantly thinking, “Oh, what are we doing fun today? I should load them up and take them to the park, but it is about to storm. We could go to Peachy Playtown…. but I really need to clean up the house and go to the grocery store.” I felt the guilt wave over me because it was about to rain, I didn’t really want to get dressed in real clothes. I had a list of house things that needed to be done. I just needed a day at home for my sanity on all other days that we are full speed.

“Calla, we are staying home this morning. You and Cart can play in your rooms, you can play in the living room, you can watch a movie, or you can help me clean up.” Instantly she starts with the, “But MAMA! I want to do something fun!”

Girl. Chill.

I’m not a bad mom for not planning a fun activity every single day. I am not a bad mom for planning an at home day on a Saturday to prep and plan for a week long vacation quickly approaching.

So today we stayed home.

And guess what…. they played for two hours with the toys they have. I heard them playing house and then playing grocery store. I got all of our laundry done and then put away. I got the house picked up and the grocery list made. I got the bathrooms clean. We took naps. We went to the grocery store. We played outside and Coach grilled steaks.

Everyone survived a day at home with nothing fun on the agenda. (Calla did have acting class from 1-4, so she really did have a fun activity.)

If you’re in the season of your children wanting a “Disney World” activity every single day…. it is PERFECTLY FINE to have a day at home. I promise, your children will make their own fun.

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Carley Cain Carley Cain

Real Life

I was recently asked to think of things to grab on Amazon that a mom would want that are less than $30. This was perfect because I just had a birthday and was given a few Amazon cards and those are my favorite. So I set out to find some things that I needed to get us spring ready. Here are the items I purchased or have purchased and found them under $30. The Amazon Spring Sale is happening today so I went back and added some items.

I was recently asked to think of things to grab on Amazon that a mom would want that are less than $30. This was perfect because I just had a birthday and was given a few Amazon cards and those are my favorite. So I set out to find some things that I needed to get us spring ready. Here are the items I purchased or have purchased and found them under $30. The Amazon Spring Sale is happening today so I went back and added some items.

THIS is my most requested link and my most purchased item… like ever. It’s good. I am a size a size 10. I got the large. I also own the medium. I won’t tell you how many I own.

THIS top. I love the color and the sleeves are so perfect. I love a solid top with a fun statement from Two Hidden Gems. Plus, this top is less than $23. CCTM perfection.

THESE are on the way to me. I recently watched a video where a teacher took all of her winter sweaters and put them in one big bag then put the bag under her bed. Her closet size tripled because she had so much room. I need that in my life. Take my $12.

THIS floor lamp. $30?! I love a lamp and a chair and a book. It is 60% off. The quality is great.

THESE leggings. I have purchased them 7 times according to my Amazon account. They are great. Very Lulu dupe.Not every pair of leggings are squat proof… trust me. These are.

THIS is the best basket. I have 3 in my house and one in my classroom. It is HUGE. This price is amazing.

THIS is summer perfection. I’m telling you…. all of the super cute solid shirts with the Two Hidden Gems. You have a different style with every gem. Under $20.

I was told these are the BEST shorts. Levi’s is usually an expensive brand. However, my size is $15 today.

I have this in black. With the sale it is $19 so I ordered the blue.

I have the brown so I got the black. I LOVE them in the summer.

A $10 dress that I LIVE in in the summer.

A $7 tee that is so so so soft. I wear mine with all of the gems.

I use this daily in the kitchen. This is a great price.

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Carley Cain Carley Cain

Easter Basket Ideas

I usually post links of RLCW ideas in my Facebook and Instagram stories, but I have been asked numerous times to make a place to house all of the finds that are VERY REAL LIFE ONLY. That is the rule here: Only real life things that I personally use, purchase, or just LOVE.

I usually post links of RLCW ideas in my Facebook and Instagram stories, but I have been asked numerous times to make a place to house all of the finds that are VERY REAL LIFE ONLY. That is the rule here: Only real life things that I personally use, purchase, or just LOVE.

This year Easter is the Sunday before Spring Break. We are in a season of needing lots of new, appropriate clothing and shoes. We are going to be traveling to see family so most of the items I am grabbing are to be used in the car or on vacation. To me Easter baskets are full of things I would be purchasing anyway for the new season. We LOVE when the Easter Bunny brings a season pass to our favorite local waterpark. We love a good experience gift, too. Here are the items I picked for Calla (8 year old girl) and Cart (3 year old boy.)


I had my favorite tee lady make several fun t-shirts. She wears shirts and skirts or shorts daily. I picked up this pack of skorts and the quality is AMAZING, but my favorite part is the length is GREAT! (I am picky about this with Calla.) She is going to LOVE these.

THIS is super fun and very REAL LIFE. Calla loves anything art and drawing. I love that it is teaching her the Bible while she reads it.

THIS is another fun thing to have in the car. She is all about drawing pictures and having Cart color them.

We don’t need another pack of markers but these are super fun to add to the basket. I will never say no to a craft supply.

I did grab these because Pippy and D got a new fancy area by their pool, and I think it will be fun to let them paint some stepping stones for their very sophisticated area. The price is amazing and it is a great activity for outside while we are sitting at the patio.

I hate this stuff, but it is LITERALLY Calla and Cart’s favorite. They will sit at the table for hours and play with this. The price is GREAT and I can split the pack for both of them.

I got 2 packs of these. If you know Calla she lives in little cotton dresses. I love the price and quality. I have also been known to have my embroidery gal slap a C on them to make them fancy. They are soft, cheap, and the length is perfect.

I ordered 2 bathing suits and a pair of slides for the beach and pool. We live at the pool so she will wear these a ton.

This year we don’t need these items but in the past I have also done a new pool towel, sunglasses, nail polish, hair clips, chalk, and an outside toy.


This was a great deal for two. The quality is amazing. They are going to the beach with us and then to the sand table outside.

I LOVE him having busy books in the car. I got this set for this year.

I am kinda over the top with fine motor skill development. This is fun and he LOVES cutting paper.

We got this for Christmas. It was PERFECT to pull out on a rainy Saturday.

I got this for my bag when we go to dinner. I love these activities and the water pen books.

I also got Cart some shorts and sandals from a local shop because he is literally too big for everything from last year.

I should add that I do NOT add any candy to their baskets. They will have more than enough from our egg hunt and all of the other treats here and there. I also don’t do stuffed animals. I just can’t.

To be very REAL LIFE I do earn a small commission when you click and shop the links I share. It pays for classroom items, and pays to run this spot on the Internet. I TRULY thank you for supporting this little corner of our field!

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Carley Cain Carley Cain

Real Friendship

This photo got lots of attention and messages when I put it on Facebook and Instagram. Lots of messages like, “This shows true friendship.” and “I love your excitement for her.” My favorite was, “Wow. I can tell you love her as a friend. That’s real.”

This photo got lots of attention and messages when I put it on Facebook and Instagram. Lots of messages like, “This shows true friendship.” and “I love your excitement for her.” My favorite was, “Wow. I can tell you love her as a friend. That’s real.”

Friend. We are ONLY here for real.

Background of the (super unflattering) photo: My best friend/ business partner/ family just found out she was named the Assistant Principal of Instruction at our new primary school that opens this summer. Y’all. Her dream job. My dream job for her. She’s going to be perfect for this.

Naturally I was sprinting down the hall to cheer and cry WITH her. I have prayed for God’s plan for her. I feel like THIS is true friendship.

At the age of 36 it has hit me: Not everyone wants you to succeed. Not everyone is a “friend.” This crushes me to my core. It also makes me want to protect my true friendships even more.

I read a post about a “frenemies.” Not everyone claps when you are successful. Not everyone praises your name in a room you’re not in. Not everyone wants to see you win. I don’t have time for these friends.

So I am going to be the friend that cheers for you. I am going to be the friend that shares your business page. I am going to be the friend that prays for you when you are in the trenches of some hard life stuff. I want you to be successful.

I was sitting at dinner with three of my closest friends last week and I found myself thinking, “I love them. I could come up with the craziest idea and they would say, “Cool! Sign me up for that.” They are the best. They have cheered for me, supported me, and loved me through every chapter. THE PART THAT I LOVE THE MOST: Even when we disagree on something…. we still love each other. I know we aren’t “out to outshine” each other. Gosh…. this is what I want in life.

Bottom line: Not everyone is happy for you. So I’m going to protect and pray for my circle. Be a true friend, friends.

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