My Pool Bag

Summer is here. The daily 90* and higher temps are here. The Cain Crew…. lives in the pool/ waterpark/ ocean. I wanted a place to hold all of our pool bag favorites, so I made a list. I also noticed that lots of our favorite items are on major sale at the time of posting this.

(Just a reminder: I am paid a commission for sharing each link. These pennies are used in my classroom, to pay for this corner of the field, and allows me to share recipes and random thoughts. I thank you for the support.)

Calla wants you to know THESE are the best goggles made. 66% off currently.

My absolute favorite MOM swim top. LOVE LOVE LOVE the coverage. It is super comfortable.

Every kid loves these. I purchased two packs this year because last year they sold out.

We love these. I bought 4 because we always bring a friend.

This is what I use for the kids. I swear it is the best. NOT the spray. I love the lotion the most.

Add this for their faces.

This is what I wear on my face. In 2023 I spent some major time and pennies on my skincare. I LOVE this. It doesn’t make me breakout.

I try to never leave the house without a hat. Again, major work on my skincare in 2023.

Coach Cain wants everyone to know THIS is the best chair.

Calla has lived in these all summer. She says they are comfortable and wants another pair. She loves the pink.

I have been wearing these daily.

This. Spending the morning at the waterpark and the evening at the pool has us using towels and more towels. So I ordered this today to help dry our suits and towels.

Hours of beach time was spent with this toy set. It is small enough to throw in your bag and both Cain babies loved it.

Again, the Real Life Coach’s Wife Life Promise is to always share REAL LIFE items that I own, use, and love. The only item I have not put to use is the towel tree, but when it arrives Monday I am SO excited to use it.

I hope your pool season is full of wins!


One Hundred Percent


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