What Are We Doing Today?

This morning it was 8:30am on a Saturday morning when Calla and Cart had gone through all of the daily tasks like breakfast, morning tv show, morning snack, playdoh, and were asking for a second snack… when Calla said: “Mama, what are we doing today that is fun. I’m ready to go.” I found my brain instantly thinking, “Oh, what are we doing fun today? I should load them up and take them to the park, but it is about to storm. We could go to Peachy Playtown…. but I really need to clean up the house and go to the grocery store.” I felt the guilt wave over me because it was about to rain, I didn’t really want to get dressed in real clothes. I had a list of house things that needed to be done. I just needed a day at home for my sanity on all other days that we are full speed.

“Calla, we are staying home this morning. You and Cart can play in your rooms, you can play in the living room, you can watch a movie, or you can help me clean up.” Instantly she starts with the, “But MAMA! I want to do something fun!”

Girl. Chill.

I’m not a bad mom for not planning a fun activity every single day. I am not a bad mom for planning an at home day on a Saturday to prep and plan for a week long vacation quickly approaching.

So today we stayed home.

And guess what…. they played for two hours with the toys they have. I heard them playing house and then playing grocery store. I got all of our laundry done and then put away. I got the house picked up and the grocery list made. I got the bathrooms clean. We took naps. We went to the grocery store. We played outside and Coach grilled steaks.

Everyone survived a day at home with nothing fun on the agenda. (Calla did have acting class from 1-4, so she really did have a fun activity.)

If you’re in the season of your children wanting a “Disney World” activity every single day…. it is PERFECTLY FINE to have a day at home. I promise, your children will make their own fun.


My Pool Bag


Real Life