Who Are We Trying To Please

I need to start this by saying: I am a 3. I find value and success in getting things done. I am all for a goal, and accomplishing that goal…. HOWEVER:

I was recently trying to wrap my brain around why I was feeling like a hamster in a wheel that was spinning and not going anywhere… only gaining exhaustion and fearing my worst fear: burn out. I don’t “love” using the words “stressed/ overwhelmed/anxiety” but if I am being real life…. I feel it. I feel it from time to time. Although I am good at moving on…. I want you to know I feel it.

I was feeling it. I was feeling very scattered and feeling as if I just couldn’t get ahead in anything I was doing. If life was a checklist, I was adding and not doing any crossing. When this happens I have to sit and do something filling for myself. What is that? Sitting in the floor and playing cars and trucks with Cart, then playing dolls with Calla. After the bath, song, and bed routine for the children, it’s sitting in my recliner and snacking on cheese-its with Coach while we watch a baseball game. This is when it hit me: I feel the most stress when I am trying to please PEOPLE. THE WRONG PEOPLE.

The most valuable Bible study I have ever done was about NOT people pleasing. People pleasing is a sin. I feel the stress and hamster feeling when I am trying to please the wrong people. I want to be a good teacher. I want to be a good friend. I want to be a good business owner. I want to be good…… but in all honesty…. who cares? If you are showing up, giving your best, doing your all with he gifts God gave you…. you are pleasing HIM. Worried that something you said upset someone? Say sorry. Move on. Worried that your boss isn’t pleased with the work you did…. is it your best? Congrats, you’re human. Worried that the anonymous post is about you on social media? That’s pleasing the wrong person. Trust me: I have to remind myself DAILY. HOURLY.

If you are loving others, if you are doing YOUR best, if you go home and love your family, if you go home and support your spouse…. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST.

Don’t please the wrong person. Don’t seek approval from people. Do your best work, give glory to the one who gave you the gifts, and move on.


The Hardest Thing I Have Had To Learn


Sunday Must