Sunday Must

It is Sunday morning and my house is silent. My children convinced me to have a grandparent sleepover, so today I am going to get everything accomplished before I pick them up.

I tell my students that Mondays are my favorite, then on Tuesday I tell them Tuesday is my favorite, then on Wednesday I tell them Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. I do REALLY LOVE a Thursday. I NEVER tell them Friday is my favorite. Whew, Fridays are fun, but whew. If I’m being honest, Sundays are truly my favorite. I love a fresh day of the week where I can restart and refresh.

Here are some Sunday things we do that help us have an amazing week.

  1. Meal plan. I try to plan my dinners and make my grocery list on Thursday. However, Sunday is MUST be done. I put this notepadon the fridge each week. Meals are planned and ready.

  2. Make a quick run to Publix for all of the weekly must haves. I have actually been using Walmart pick up for some things, and doing that on Fridays, but that is a different post.

  3. Carwash. Girl, wash your car on Sunday! Starting the week with a clean car will bring your heart so much joy! Now, my car will be trashed by Wednesday….. but on Sunday it’s clean. THIS for the backseat has also been a game changer for Calla. (At the time of this post, there is a 50% off coupon. Making the bin $5.)

  4. Get your outfits ready for the week. I know. It’s insane. But I like to have everything planned, steamed, and ready for the week. A friend on the internet told me to stop ironing my clothing and start steaming it. I purchased this steamer to try out the steaming life and it is great! I even went on a trip and took it with me. Coach Cain told me to share it because in his words, “You really use that thing a lot.” I want a bigger one, I just don’t want to find a place to store it, so this little friend is perfect.

    I do NOT get Calla and Cart’s outfits ready for the whole week. That has been an area of battle for us. They tend to do better with that task being the night before.

  5. Reset your house. Put everything away, run a vacuum, wipe down all the spaces. Monday morning comes so quick!

And just a reminder…… it is TOTALLY OKAY if you don’t do ANY of this. YOU do what YOU need to do to have a peaceful week! As always…. If you are in a season of exhaustion, I’m praying for you, friend!


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