The Hardest Thing I Have Had To Learn

When this post is bring published, I should be in three different places. However, I had to use my own advice and say, “I can’t.” to all of them. Today I will share a ground breaking moment in my life that I recently put into place in my life, and it has truly helped me be a better human.

Get ready.

I believe that everyone in this world has a “full plate.” Some people’s plates are just larger than others. That is OK. You have to know your plate size and what to add to it and what to not. During different seasons of life some things may be more important than others. For example: In this season I am Coach Cain’s biggest supporter, Calla and Cart’s mommy, teacher to the Cain Crew, and a Gem for Two Hidden Gems. I am also Carley that needs to cook meals for her family, write a blog as a creative outlet, and exercise daily for mental health. That is my plate. It’s rather full. So to keep myself from feeling overwhelmed, stretched too thin, or not really being 100% in anything I do, I have had to learn to say this:

“I’m sorry. I’d love to, but I can’t make it.”

Last month I committed to being at 4 different events. Y’all. I was 30 minutes late to every single thing I was doing. That night I cried because when I looked back, I wasn’t truly “there” for anything. I was just checking the boxes. That isn’t life. That isn’t how we should live. The plate was a mess, wobbly, and close to shattering.

This simple little phrase has helped me feel less pressure. I don’t feel the pressure of having to squeeze too many activities into one day. I am not missing out on time with my family because I committed to being at three different places. Digging into self reflection in 2023 has caused me to protect the most important things to me. I have protected my plate. I know what I can and can’t add to it. I know my limits. It took many years to figure this out, but now that I know: Carley is a better plate holder.

What are you protecting? What is on your plate?

My next task in life: How to not feel the guilt from telling people no. I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m there.

Leaving school at 4:15 to be at a volleyball match at 5:00. We did manage to study some vocabulary in the car on the way.

Cooking dinner with a toddler may be my favorite season of life ever. It’s a reward when everyone eats a meal I made in the chaos.


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