Sweet Spot

I have been really trying to stop and take in the tiny moments and give praises where praises are due. My personality is rather positive and happy. However, I sometimes forget this and find myself going down a spiral of “when will this change?” Then last week Cart Cain walked up to me as I was sitting in my recliner with a cup of steamy coffee near the glow of my dream Christmas tree that is topped with a tree topper of a bow that was sent straight from Heaven…. and he said, “Mommy, I’m hungry. Can I have some pepperoni?” Ummmmmmm THIS is the sweet spot, I told myself. I am in the sweet spot of parenting.

Calla went to her bedroom to work on a school project on her own and study her vocabulary words…. and I thought…. oh THIS is the sweet spot. Coach cleaned the kitchen while I gave Cart a bath and got Calla’s clothes and lunch ready for the next day. Oh. THIS is the sweet spot. I sat in my chair and had our Weim pup in my lap, and our old Weim at my feet…. OH THIS is the sweet spot. I paid our mortgage, filled our cars with gas, and meal planned for next week. OH THIS is the sweet spot. We have our tiny home that is filled with more love and laughter than I could have ever imagined.It’s the sweet spot. As for my job, I walked into my classroom and knew what I was going to teach, laughed with my 5th graders, taught small groups, and grammar lessons, and went over informational writing… oh THIS IS THE SWEET SPOT! I had Friday night dinner with my favorite ladies, and we laughed until we cried… OH THIS IS THE SWEET SPOT! Coach Cain LOVES his 8-3. and Coaching life is thriving. (This means we are not on the carousel!) HELLO SWEET SPOT. Church. I have found a church home that I can’t wait to enter every week, and I love finding more ways to be a part of the building. My very own sweet spot.

It was all of these simple daily moments that made me realize THIS IS MY SWEET SPOT of life. BUT with this being as real life as I can be…. even in the sweetest of spots…. we have faced some hard spots recently. Our family was hit with situations that are awful. When we bring them up to each other sadness and anger fills the room. I have relationships in my life that need work and honestly are just not good. Hard spots. They seem to make appearances even in the sweetest spots.

So when you find yourself in a hard spot, also look for all of the tiny sweet spots.


Thankful For This Chapter


What Would You Talk About