What Would You Talk About

You know that post that says, “You have thirty minutes to talk about something you are passionate about without any prep time. What would you talk about?”


  1. Putting Jesus first and your husband second and then your children is a MUST. With this being said; Never take advice from someone you wouldn’t swap places with. You’ll never ever change my mind on this.

  2. Being a Coach’s wife (just one Coach, friends. NOT COACHES.) is the best. You’ll never ever change my mind on this.

  3. Public schools are the BEST schools in the world. If you do not like them, join them. Make the changes you want to see so you do like them. You’ll never ever change my mind on this.

  4. Children are the best coworkers. Adults…… ehhhhhh. You’ll probably never change my mind on this. If you do, my time in the profession is ending.

  5. Reading to your children is a MUST. Church attendance is a MUST. Parenting and not friending your children is a MUST. Whew. Don’t hate me. You’ll never change my mind in this.

  6. Cooking for your family is possible, even in the busiest seasons of life. You may change my mind on this one day. But not today.

  7. Adopting dogs is just better than shopping for dogs. We recently added to our family. Another Weimaraner. She is the sweetest, cuddle cozy pup. She is straight out of a rescue where she was saved from a dumpster with her sibling pups. We have two Weims now and they are both from a rescue. They are just different. So thankful. You’ll never change my mind on this. Even if you are searching for a particular breed of pup, I encourage you to search the web. We have two full Weims and we saved them both from rotten situations. Do your part: Adopt don’t Shop.

Welcome to the Cain Crew, Nat.


Coach, Carley, Calla, Cart, Wynn, and Nat.

(The really cool thing that I take pride in about myself is if you don’t agree with any of my POV, it is OK. I totally still love you. In fact, I want you to try to change my mind because I LOVE hearing someone else’s perspective. I love seeing someone else’s views and hearing their why.)


Sweet Spot


12 Days of Christmas