Thankful For This Chapter

If you know me in real life you have probably noticed that I ONLY talk about life in chapters. Swifties call it their “era” but this coach’s wife is just thankful for the chapter. Because after 17 years of this little life I have learned some lessons about loving the life too much. Then God turns the page. So you will ALWAYS see me giving thanks for the chapter we are in, because let me tell you, it sure is a good one.

See I have accidentally fallen madly and deeply in love with this chapter. We have the most precious ( to me) home. Our jobs. Man oh man we BOTH love our jobs. My small business. Our children’s friends. Our church. OUR friends that are really family…. so so so good. However, I know the heart God gave Coach and I. I know the name of this game. Tomorrow the page could turn and God could be ready for us to write a new chapter for Him.

“There comes a time when you have to stop chasing the coaching dream and settle down.” See, I hear this quite often. I even let myself feel it from time to time. But then I remember, that wasn’t what we were made to live. We were made to live…. something different.

I know Coach’s heart, but more importantly, I know God strategically puts the Cain family right where He needs us. Even though I love this little life more than I ever have before, I have full trust that if we need to move to another chapter, it will be even better. It has to be. See, I loved our little life in the first town we called home. I loved with with my whole heart, and then things changed. A door was shut. We moved and man did I love that (not so little/ but really big) town. We were Atlanta residents and living our best lives. We lived closer to our families than we ever had…. than another door opened and brought us here. No matter how my heart has loved each and every chapter, they truly just keep getting sweeter. If I have anything to share, or any platform to stand on, or any faith at all to share it will be this: God knows where He wants you to be. It hurts to leave, but man oh man writing that chapter gets even sweeter! If you are in the “moving to a new place” season of the coaching life, I am here for you, friend. I can promise you…. the chapters keep getting better and better.




Sweet Spot