Leaving the Classroom
I’m not.
At this very moment, I don’t ever want to. I will add a disclaimer that I am fully aware that I am currently at the BEST school system, a part of the BEST school, and I have THE MOST AMAZING groups. I am also VERY blessed with the BEST admin team. I know this really adds to the emotions. Just hear me out.
This weekend I was reading about a teacher that left the classroom. She said she was tired about being more worried about other people’s children that her own at home.
That really hit my heart. (Probably because I was reading this while holding my sick baby and slightly stressed about my classroom.)
I’m not.
I’m not tired of being worried about other children and their academic/ social/ emotional success. I actually LOVE it. It brings my heart full of pure joy. It is my purpose.
I fully believe it is my purpose to worry about Calla and Cart as well as your babies.
God gave me Calla and Cart and my students.
I fully believe it is my God given talent to sit with your child and read books, laugh about a silly game, and teach them how to elaborate on the evidence they provided for an opinion essay on students owning cell phones.
I’m not.
I’m not going to worry less about my own children. I am not going to worry less about my students.
I am going to do both.
I am going to fulfill my purpose as a public school teacher, AND a mother to two beautiful babies.
I’m not going to give up one title because I feel like I can do both.
I support you doing whatever you need to do in life. Please just don’t think that teachers are caring or doing less for one group than the other.
We’re not.
We’re doing both.
If you are doing both, I see you. I love you. I am praying for you, friend.