Give Yourself Less to Complain About

I found myself hungry for more “slow mornings” like a Saturday morning with the hour in my chair with a hot cup of coffee and mindless chats with Coach. Then I found myself complaining that the other mornings weren’t slow and peaceful like Saturdays. I caught myself frustrated with my weight and how clothes fit after Christmas break. (The one where we ate fast food and fancy restaurants and traveled for 14 days straight.) I was feeling overwhelmed with daily tasks and feeling defeated no matter what I was doing. I found myself complaining in my head about how off task my class was one morning. I found myself complaining. I can’t handle a complainer. It was me. I was the complainer.

So in 2024 I told myself I was going to give MYSELF less to complain about. I was going to give myself more slow mornings so I am not complaining that I don’t have a Saturday every day. We make an effort to get up earlier to sit in our chairs and chat each day. I am no longer the person that can get up and start getting ready immediately. I need the slow morning in my chair, and I need to set the alarm for a few minutes earlier. I am not going to complain about how my clothes fit or don’t fit if I am making the effort to eat balanced meals and get a daily workout in each day. If I am feeling overwhelmed and not productive, prayer is usually needed and less mindless scrolling the internet. That off task 5th grade class, well the next day they had some stations to move around the room and a little project to complete. They just needed an engagement activity and I can make that happen.

There are things we can do to for ourselves to keep from complaining. With this being said, there are ABSOLUTELY things in life that happen and they are out of our control, and these things we can text our best friend and report all complaints. But to lesson my personal complaints, this year I am giving myself less to complain about.

2024 is full of my Happy Place Only. No complaints here.


Real Friendship


How We Fight