What Can I Do To Make It Better

Before I was “Mama” I was Mrs. Coach Cain. When we moved to a small town and it was just Coach and me, I had too much time. So, I started a cross country program. (A whole different story for a different day.) Anyway, there were problems that I had to work out. For starters, I had NO clue what I was doing. Luckily, the AD was very very kind. I will never forget him saying, “When you come to me with a problem, come to me with a solution you think will work to fix it. If you just come to me with the problem, that is complaining.”

Read that again.

That has forever changed me.

In a world of complainers (that lovely internet group of complainers makes my stomach hurt) I want to be someone to make it better. If I can. And if I can’t…. then I truly can’t complain.

As a Coach’s wife: I catch myself getting ready to complain about my exhaustion or my work load. Last year I was really feeling a way about how I was NEVER on a mental break…. so rather than complaing to Coach, I went with a solution. “Hey. I am overwhelmed. So every other week I am going to have the sitter come for 2 hours and I am going to take a Mama Moment.” I never complained about Coach’s schedule…. I went with a solution. So I made it better.

As a teacher when I don’t like how something happened or something needs to be fixed, I find myself going to admin with: “Hey. This is happening. I thought about doing this to fix it. What do you think?” (Shoutout to the BEST admin because they have ALWAYS just let me be me.)


When I go to complain about something that I have NO IDEA what I would do to make it better… I have NO CLUE how to change the situation to do it a different way…. THEN I CAN’T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT.

It has truly changed when I complain. Fun fact…. I have found nothing to complain about.

Today when we are faced with something to complain about….. then fix it. Come up with a plan to fix it. And if you can’t think of what you would do to make it better…. don’t complain.


The Mama Hustle


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