Rules of Our Field

When the idea of this corner of the field was just on the practice schedule….. I promised myself that I would stay as real life as possible. The internet is a highlight reel and I don’t want anyone to think this fieldhouse is perfect. It is FAR from that. We deal with terrible attitudes from our 8 year old. We all snap and yell and roll our eyes. I pitch fits worse than the two year old from time to time. It is a good thing we all have grace for each other around here because WHEW…. we need it. I say all of that to say that in the “REAL LIFE'“ part of this… I need to share something that will NOT be liked by many…. but it may help out one mama. It may help one house. One team may need to hear this.

Here is a rule in our house: Football doesn’t get your best. WE do.

Teacher Life doesn’t get my best. Team Cain does.

Coach and I had a talk a few years ago and I feel like it was truly a game changer. See there are two types of coaches in this game: The ones that have been fired, and the ones that will be.

Ouch. That hurts to say. But it is the truth. Guess what, that team will one day let you go. That school might bring in a new coaching staff. Your family NEVER will. You will ALWAYS be Coach of the Year in this house. Every year. Every month. Every day. Always. Your family needs your #1.

I need this reminder for myself too when I start thinking about my career goals. I find myself wanting to do all the things. I want to be at all of the trainings and meetings. Then I remember what I expect from Coach and football, and remember he expects the same from me and the classroom. Family first. Always. (another reason I have the world’s greatest admin. She taught me this.)

Somehow Coach is the legit GOAT at keeping all of the games going at once…. but everyyyyyyy now and then he gets tired. It hits him. Then we have to take a timeout and remind each other…. your family doesn’t get the “I’m exhausted from football season.” Football IS VERY important to us. I get that. I married a Coach. I knew this life…. but that will NEVER be an excuse to miss out on our family. If you are a football coach…. that is EXTRA. You are a father. God gave you these babies to raise for HIM.

Sometimes you have to have that hard discussion. “Hey, that doesn’t align with our family goals.” I have had to say, “Sorry, make it happen.” when Coach double books. If you are in a hard season, I will pray with you. Sometimes, we need to have hard talks. Sometimes people will have hurtful things to say when you put family first. It’s fine.

This will probably get me Real Life Coach’s Wife Life Fired. I will now have the husband with the most unpopular wife. It is fine. This is my heart. Being a coach is a balancing act… and sadly you have to be really good at the balance. You wanna be a good coach? Great. I support that. I’ll do everything I can to support you and make that happen…. but you are adding to your plate, not being excused from other responsibilities already on it.


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