I Don’t Have Time

How often do I find myself saying that? Last week I didn’t go to the gym one time. It was fall break, I was spending time with my family, cleaning around the house, resting, reading, and dinners with Coach. I told myself, “I don’t have the time to go this week.” Such a lie. I didn’t make the time.

I currently have two rather large tasks that need attention sitting on my to do list in my classroom. I keep telling myself, “I don’t have time to get that done.” Such a lie. I didn’t make the time.

When we find ourselves hitting fast food multiple times a week I think to myself, “It’s fine. I just don’t have the time to cook this week.” Such a lie. I didn’t make the time.

When I don’t call to check in on family and friends I think to myself, “They know I am busy. I just don’t have time.” Such a lie. I didn’t make the time.

Our house tends to be filled with chaos if we don’t clean up each day and clutter fills the rooms. When we reach the point of frustration I look at Coach and say, “We haven’t had time to pick up and put things away.” Such a lie. We didn’t make the time.

When I find myself drowning in the frustrations of life and I remember I haven’t spent time with Jesus in prayer I find myself saying, “God knows my heart. I just didn’t have time.” Such a lie. I didn’t make the time.

I am trying to shift my mindset and when I find myself saying, “I didn’t have time….” I should probably change that to “I didn’t make the time.” It hits differently.

All that to say, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. What are we making time for?


Favorite Things


Cooking For My Family