I Am Going to ‘Predecide’

Yesterday we heard amazing sermon at church. The entire time I was saying, “YES! I need to do that!” “Yes! I want that to be me!” I opened my phone and opened the blog app and wrote “predecide.” Coach likely thought I was going crazy because I am a pen and paper note writer for life. So this topic made a jump in the list of topics to be covered on this corner of the field. Friends, this year I am going to PREDECIDE.

I want to predecide what my reaction will be and what my character will be before I am even in the situation to need a response. What does that look like? I want Jesus FIRST. So if it goes against my little list in my brain… then I am predeciding to not take part.

What’s my list?

Jesus loving and joyful. If it doesn’t bring my heart joy and doesn’t allow me to show Jesus, then I don’t want it. I want to be a happy person. I want to be around people that make me feel safe, comfortable, and happy. If the room is uncomfortable, I have predecided that is not the room for me.

Coach’s wife. If I want to be one of the people complaining about long hours, lack of family time, he’s always on the phone, what is he doing with all of his time… then I can jump on a Facebook thread. I have predicided that I will not get caught in the complaining. I’ll just pay the babysitter when I am overwhelmed and need a Mama moment. I will hide my face and not lift my eyebrow when those awful soul crushing words come out of his mouth, “Morning practice.” I will wrestle the children and pack the bags and grab my Chick-fil-a and go to the game. I have predecided I will be supportive.

Mama. I have predecided that Calla and Cart get the best. They get the extra book read to them. They get the trips to the pool. They get the paint party at the kitchen table. They get the trips to the waterpark. They get my best me. They will NEVER be made to feel guilty for ANYTHING. I have predecided.

Teacher. I have predecided teaching is my passion and reason. Teaching is the purpose God gave me. Teaching will get my heart. (Now a student will read this and have a word to say, I am sure. Mrs. Cain loves you, but we have to work.) I am not going to let media, social media, the mean message from an upset parent, or the “anonymous post” on Facebook bashing public schools take my joy. I will do my best to show how amazing our public school system truly is. You won’t change my mind on that…. I have predecided.

If you are EVER in a place and need a friend to cheer for you, or need someone to help you predecide…. I am here for YOU! Predecide with me this season. Make your season full of WINS!


Dinner in 15

