I Will Cheer for You

When you look at your Instagram feed, do you know the first ten people personally? When you click a link for a pair of shoes, is it for a pair that a friend had and recommended? I will be the FIRST to admit that I sometimes talk to others about my “friends” when really they are just internet personalities that I do not know one personal detail about in real life. Then I see a friend share an opinion about some shampoo they love and I mindlessly scroll on past. Why are we like this?

In 2023 I made a personal business goal for Two Hidden Gems. I wanted to grow that little baby business because it is not only a true blessing to our family, but it brings my heart so much joy. (I won’t say pride…..) I took a step back and I looked at the big picture. 90% of our customers, I know personally or I have met them and could recognize them in public. This means FRIENDS are supporting our little business dream. This set the tone for my personal mission for 2023. I want to support you.

Sometimes I honestly don’t need another tube of lipstick, but you best believe I will share your link to someone that might. Cart and Calla probably don’t need another outfit… but I have friends that are hunting for that perfect baby outfit. My goal for 2023 is to share, pray, and support my friends, friends of friends, and YOU! Why do we often support a stranger, but kinda turn a shy eye to our friends?

I can only speak for what it does when you support this little space. You help support that classroom on the 5th grade hall. You help support the tiny Cains and their different camps, classes, and hobbies. You help support that tiny place of creativity in the bottom of my heart that drives me to WANT to share more, say more, help more, support you more. I can only relate that passion to Coach Cain on the field… wanting that win.

Bottom line: I will cheer for you!

May your season be full of wins,

I have LOTS to say. I have even more to share. 2011 Carley was a Rookie Wife just blogging for fun. 2023 Carley is here to cheer you on and show you the absolute Real Life Coach's Wife Life. 

Love love,


Say No to Jeans


The Real Life Coach’s Wife Life