Classroom Treats

We are back to school… and although I love the perfect balance of hustle and rest that our summer schedule allows…. Teacher Life has my heart. I am 100% READY to go back to school. I am excited. The first day back was emotionally BIG for me personally. It was truly like living a dream. More to come about this… because there is a story.

The reason for this post is because I want to share an idea I have. Classroom treats are HUGE and children love a small prize. Now don’t get me wrong: Jolly Rancher Wars is LIFE…. but for something different: I don’t LOVE giving candy out daily. I was on the research website and I found this idea. CHARM BRACELETS

This idea is for elementary education for sure, but I teach 5th and I truly think they will LOVE this. They love a little toy treat. Ok here is the plan: Students can first earn this bracelet. (You can set up whatever system you use to earn something. I am using the PUNCH CARDS that I found here.) So after they have the bracelet… here is the BEST part….. NOW THEY CAN EARN THESE CHARMS! They actually fit shoes as well. How stinkin’ fun?! This is SO much better than a candy treat, fairly inexpensive, and just something exciting for the little babies before they officially turn too cool for elementary school.

Here are some other fun items that I have used in the past that are not candy or food. (But we all know candy and food are GREAT classroom rewards.)




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CCTM Back to School


Dinner in 15